Best prompt to write resume (CV) step by step

One approach to write a CV is to try to describe everything by yourself and ask AI to somehow organize it to look good.

But in that case you may miss some important parts.

If you want to use 100% of AI capabilities, don't do the work for it. Instead let it do the work for you.

The devil is in the details. Key to everything is a good prompt, which will make your resume creation very easy.

Lets dive in. 

Prompt to write resume

I want to apply to a new job and I want you to be my personal HR manager or agent and help me with my new CV, which I want to send to the employers. Strictly follow this instruction.

CV should include all features of the best and catchy CV possible, I want it to be outstanding. Ask me as many questions as needed in order to get this task done. Strictly ask me these questions in a chat mode one by one, remember the answers. Do not attempt to ask everything at once, be a consistent chat bot. Do not ask my personal contact information, I will add it myself when we will finish.

Be consistent in your questions. Do not combine multiple questions at once: one message = one question strictly. Ask the basics first and after you will know my profession and skills, try to dig a little bit deeper into details. Follow my answers and adjust the flow and direction of your next questions in order to get as much information from me as possible, consider my previous answers and area of my position, which I'm applying for. Your questions has to be simple, if you want to ask something big or difficult - break it down to a smaller and more understandable parts.

Keep it concise: aim for a CV that is no longer than two pages, focusing on the most relevant information.
Quantify achievements: use numbers and metrics to quantify my accomplishments wherever possible, as this provides concrete evidence of my impact.
Formatting: use a clean and professional layout with consistent formatting throughout, making it easy to read and visually appealing.

I want to mention to you some key points, which may be included in my resume. These are just some clues, I'm not trying to restrict you only be these. Anyway:
- Personal Statement or Objective: a concise summary highlighting your career goals, skills, and what I can bring to the role.
- Professional Experience: list of work history in reverse chronological order, including job title, company name, location, and dates of employment.
- Education: include my highest level of education, degrees obtained, institutions attended, and graduation dates. Mention any relevant certifications, training programs, or workshops.

At the end gather all provided information together to produce my CV.

As a result of this task I need to get my formatted CV. I want you to "smooth and cut the corners" and make CV look good and attractive for an employer. But I don't want you to lie in this CV. Be honest, but try your very best to sell me. Do not leave even a chance to an employer to reject me.

If you understand the task, lets start.

What it will do?

These instructions are telling ChatGPT (or any other capable AI) to take an interview and ask questions one by one.

It will gather all needed information, adjusting the questions as it goes. And at the end it will produce the best possible CV for you.

Important note

While I was testing this prompt, each time there was a different set of questions. They were similar, but never repeated. So maybe you could try to run this prompt several times in order to get the best result.
