OpenAI announces its own search engine

OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, announced it's own search engine.

search from open ai

It is called SearchGPT and not yet available for everyone. But you can join it's waiting list here -

What does it mean for us?

For end-users it is a good news - a new way of searching.

For website owners it is a wake up call. Actually not a call, it's a siren already, especially for informational websites. Because they way we search information will change.

On the other hand, Copilot has already implemented something similar - a mix of search results and AI answers in single window. And it did not revolutionize the web search yet.

What it does mean is that AI will continue to integrate deeper in our lives. Soon we all will realize that we are not capable of simply living without AI. As we struggle without our phones or internet, the same thing will happen without all sorts and kinds of AI assistants. Things, services and products without it will look outdated.

But in terms of searching, it will change, but not very soon. Few reasons for that:

  1. No one has solved the problem with AI hallucinations yet. 
  2. Secondly, people are generally conservative and don't like to change habits quickly.
  3. AI's can operate with information they already know. If something new is coming out - artificial intelligence struggles a lot.

For conclusion

Monopoly is bad. The old mechanism for finding information is clearly outdated. And OpenAI can do things well.